What To Expect
What to bring & what to wear:
You don’t need a referral to see a Physiotherapist if paying privately or claiming through your Private Health fund. However, if you have a referral please bring it. Wear comfortable clothing which allows you to move freely.
Arrive a little early and check-in:
New clients will be required to complete a Patient Information Sheet, so arriving a few minutes before your appointment time is appreciated. It’s always advisable to check-in as you arrive, so we don’t miss you in the waiting room.
What to expect during & after:
Allow approximately 45 minutes for your initial appointment. A slightly longer appointment allows us to take a detailed history of your complaint and to complete a thorough examination. Follow up appointments are approximately 30 minutes duration.
Treatment may include education on your condition and its management, manual therapy, soft tissue techniques, dry needling and exercise prescription. In most cases you will be prescribed a home program with advice on how to manage your condition until your next appointment.