Physiotherapy for Women’s health
Many women experience bladder and bowel concerns. Often they don’t seek advice or treatment because they feel uncomfortable talking about it, or they don’t realise what can be done to improve their symptoms.
At NQ Physio Solutions we aim to create a sensitive and discreet environment to help our clients feel comfortable discussing these personal matters. Common symptoms include:
- Involuntary leakage of bladder and/or bowels
- Urgency or having to rush to the toilet
- Frequently having to go to the toilet
- Feeling as though you haven’t completely emptied your bladder or bowel
- Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse such as vaginal heaviness or protruding lump
If you feel like you might be experiencing any of these symptoms it might be worth seeking advice such as talking to your G.P or giving us a call at NQ Physio Solutions.
Seeking treatment early for mild symptoms can often prevent worsening of symptoms over time. You can also find more information on the Continence Foundation Website .
Incontinence is a common condition which involves involuntary leakage of bladder or bowels. Symptoms can vary from mild incontinence with a cough/ sneeze or activity to complete inability to control your bladder. Your physiotherapist will listen to your concerns and provide you with an individually tailored pelvic floor exercise program and give advice about ways you can help control your bladder and/ or bowels.
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse is when your pelvic organs such as your bladder, uterus or rectum may bulge into the vagina due to stretching or weakness of the pelvic floor muscles or fascia. Symptoms can include:
- A feeling of heaviness or dragging in the vagina
- Noticing a lump protruding from the vagina
- Difficulty emptying bladder or bowels
- Pain or change in sensation with intercourse
Symptoms can often come and go. Some women report worsening of symptoms as the day goes on or after activity. Your physiotherapist will provide you with pelvic floor muscle exercises, discuss bladder and bowel habits and give you advice to avoid strain on the pelvic floor such as preventing constipation or activity/ exercise modification.